Happy Halloween

I thought I would do a bonus post with my daughter's pumpkins displayed, oldest on the left, youngest on the right. I do the knife work but they do all the gutting and design work, drawing their faces on with erasable markers. Halloween for us has always been a simple holiday. When I was young, we carved pumpkins and our mom would drive us around to a few of the neighboring farms but we never got bags full of candy like our urban peers did. I seem to recall the occasional Halloween party where we had to bob for apples but those were few and far between. Likewise, with my kids, we keep things simple. We take them to a dozen or so houses in our immediate neighborhood on the edge of town where traffic is always very light and call it a day. Unlike me, my girls rarely eat much of their holiday candy. They will eat some on that first night and then generally I will throw the rest away in a month after picking out a few for myself. My eldest stopped going door to door with ...