New Start

Out of focus, it might not look like much but for me, it is a sign of hope and a new start. That is one of the first sprigs of asparagus growing up out of my new plot. I had to dig it out a bit as it was still buried a bit under the mulch, but it is definitely there. For reference, it is about an inch tall and not much bigger than the lead of a pencil in diameter. Growing up, my parents sent my brother and I out to search the old fence rows for wild asparagus. There we would maybe pick a couple handfuls of few times every spring for consumption. The problem with that method, was it is hard to spot in fence rows growing with every kind of weed, grass, and tree sprout you can imagine so we probably missed more than we picked. It also had to be quite tall before we could see it above everything else and so was a bit tougher to eat. I remember my parents planting a bed of asparagus in the yard of our old farm house. Although I could probably still find it's location within a fe...