Dreams to Garbage

A.I. Generated Artwork I woke up to the sound of what sounded like a garbage truck rumbling down the road and realized that I had forgotten to take out the garbage the night before. Nothing gets the body more alert in a faster manner. I jumped out of bed, threw on the sweats and raced outside to drag my half empty can out to the curb in a pouring rain, the first I've seen in three or four months. Fortunately, there was no garbage truck in sight and my neighbor's trash can across the street was still unemptied which means the truck hasn't come yet. Normally it comes in mid to late morning, well after I am up and about. But on the days I forget to set mine out, it inevitably comes at 4:30 in the morning... without fail. Now that I have mine out, it probably won't come to nearly noon. Garbage in my neck of the woods, and I suspect elsewhere, is becoming a problem. I'm not much of a consumer so we typically don't have much garbage. I set it out weekly though becau...