
Dreams to Garbage

  A.I. Generated Artwork I woke up to the sound of what sounded like a garbage truck rumbling down the road and realized that I had forgotten to take out the garbage the night before. Nothing gets the body more alert in a faster manner. I jumped out of bed, threw on the sweats and raced outside to drag my half empty can out to the curb in a pouring rain, the first I've seen in three or four months. Fortunately, there was no garbage truck in sight and my neighbor's trash can across the street was still unemptied which means the truck hasn't come yet. Normally it comes in mid to late morning, well after I am up and about. But on the days I forget to set mine out, it inevitably comes at 4:30 in the morning... without fail. Now that I have mine out, it probably won't come to nearly noon. Garbage in my neck of the woods, and I suspect elsewhere, is becoming a problem. I'm not much of a consumer so we typically don't have much garbage. I set it out weekly though becau...

Treavy to Patterson

  Sarah Jane Echard One of my 3rd great grandmothers is named Sarah Jane Echard. She comes Virginia though she married into the Ware family which I've traced back through southern Indiana to Kentucky. Perhaps 20 years ago when I last researched her origins, I was convinced at the time that her parents were Christian Echard and Lydia Treavy Echard. But as I have started the process of compiling my research notes for my 4th great grandparents, all 64 of them, I realized that perhaps I have at least one of the parents wrong.  Sarah was born in 1837 according to her tombstone. Recently when I went to the historical center in the county south of me, which I wrote about Here on January 1st, I found an obituary for her. I will post it below but essentially, is says her parents were Christian and Sarah Echard, not Lydia as I had written in 20 years ago. So I started digging a bit into records for my 4th great grandfather Christian Echard and sure enough discovered a marriage record b...

Returning Home From War

Although I have no letters written after the war, my great grandfather Victor did have a series of pictures that he evidently took as he returned from France to New York City that are in the back of his photo album. I just think they are neat to look at even if there is no words I can add to go with them. I think that is the Statue of Liberty off in the distance Statue of Liberty a bit closer Welcoming committee Entering the harbor Getting closer to the end of the voyage The end in sight Almost there Home at last!

Cutting Back

A.I. Generated Image This isn't personal to those it effects, but I have found myself cringing lately when I sit down to read my blog list in the mornings. It used to be an anticipated joy and now it has become anything but that. The reason is that a few of the blogs I used to enjoy reading seem to have switched over to posting political memes and posts meant to incite fear and for what purpose? From the comments I have read, they aren't convincing anyone to switch their views. I'm not sure enlightening their readership is happening as I almost never see a comment stating that it was news to them. It just seems like fear is the sole purpose and I'm not sure fear has ever solved anything. It just makes people divided and isn't really enjoyable for a morning read to start my day. I would rather spend my time and effort with those who wish to unite and find common ground or at least understanding of our differences. I hope this isn't misconstrued that I won't b...

Cracking It Open

  After my youngest got onto the school bus, I headed down to the office for my morning routine of catching up on blog reading and doing any deskwork needed for my three treasurer positions or bills that have arrived in the mail. I logged onto my computer but was greeted with a warning that my backup service would delete the contents of my hard drive stored on the backup's cloud that I use to store all my computer files in 39 days if nothing was done.  So I fiddled with that for a few minutes before I finally went into windows explorer and found that it didn't show my hard drive or it's contents at all. As far as my computer was concerned, I only had the hard drive that the operating system runs on and I had no second drive to store data. What proceeded next was an hour of reboots, using various diagnostic software and prayers to try and get my data hard drive to appear again but all without success. Thirty years ago, I used to consider myself a pretty good computer tech an...