The Veggies of Our Labor

Finally, I'm getting to the good part of last trip to the farm with scenes from our harvest. Above is a shopping bag full of green beans (unseen on the bottom), tomatillos and a handful of okra. One of my favorite things to make with tomatillos is enchiladas verdes. The cherry tomatoes are really starting to turn but I was really surprised to see four nearly ripe regular tomatoes as well. I picked those to finish ripening on our counter and will hopefully make some sandwiches out of them. Our potatoes are done for the year and the plants all dried up. We were spent so we dug the row that we have been pulling the potatoes out by hand for several weeks (easily due to the muddy conditions earlier) and still came up with nearly a bushel. We will probably dig the second row on our next trip. Also, I didn't take a picture but I tilled up enough of where our spring stuff had been planted (mostly beans that never grew) to plant a couple more rows of beans. I've never planted a...