Back From My Vacation... More or Less Intact

We headed down south the family cabin to celebrate Thanksgiving and we accomplished that. We had prepared a lot of what we ate for our Thursday dinner back home in Iowa so there wasn't much to do except to heat things up and make a few odds and ends to go with it. The forecast was for rain and indeed it was raining. We decided to do a small hike anyway and went on a hike we did the last time we were down there to a somewhat famous outcropping of rock seen above. Our daughters, who had never been there, were with us this time. We walked out on the rock and had our picture taken so those who get our Christmas card, will see us in that version of the photo. The following day wasn't raining but we spent it helping friends of ours collect a winter's worth of firewood. Although there is some work involved, we enjoy doing it and just being in each other's presence. Unfortunately for me, on the final (as it turned out) load of wood, I was helping to throw it from a pickup into ...