
Many years ago when my great uncle died, my uncle inherited the photo album of my great grandfather of his time over in Europe during World War I. Evidently my great grandfather took a camera with him overseas and then took the time to organize those photos in an album and label most of them when he got back home. I view it as a valuable treasure and I'm sure it is probably considered to be a treasure by others as I can't believe many of these probably still exist. Back when my uncle inherited it, he let me borrow it and at the time, I painstakingly scanned all the pictures. I still have those pictures and occasionally look through them but it just was never the same as looking through the album. The album provides context and on many pages, handwritten notes in my great grandfather's writing. My digitized collection is just photographs with some information added to their file names to mimic the writing. As we were sorting through my recently departed grandmother's t...