Drawered Up


As you can see from the side facing you, I have the drawers now installed in my workbench and I am very happy. It will probably take me quite a bit more time to organize everything into the right drawer and make some dividers for them but it will be a labor of love at this point. More than likely, this will be the last project I'll work on in the garage until possibly next spring so the drawers will have to wait for a good workout. 

You might notice the square frames on top of the work surface. I left them there to demonstrate that I do make mistakes. Those frames constitute the top inch of the larger lower drawers. For some reason, the dimension on my story stick that I used to calculate drawer heights and gaps, was written down wrong though it measured exactly right on the stick. As you might guess, the dimension was an inch larger than would fit in the allotted space. Fortunately this was an easy fix as I could just run each side of every drawer through my table saw and lop off an inch of material. Within 15 minutes, I was back to installing the remaining drawers without issue. 


  1. I find organizing to be a very soothing and almost meditative experience. Looks good Ed!

    1. I do too, to some extent anyway. If I just get everything arranged to a proper drawer, I would be happy. Others wouldn't stop until everything was organized within a drawer too.

  2. Sometimes, I also have to adjust my drawers. So as if to speak. 😁

    1. Better to adjust than to fill... so to speak.

  3. Didn't that turn out nicely!! Good job!

  4. This has been an interesting project to watch.

    1. I'm glad I could entertain some of my readers anyway. I don't lead a very exciting life.

  5. It really did turn out very nice. I love the look of those drawers and the hardware you used.

    1. I was just going to cut a finger pull on the top of each drawer but found enough of those drawer pulls to do about half of what I needed so I just ordered the remainder and used them. Seemed like the path of least resistance.

  6. Replies
    1. Well at least I appear to be on social media.

  7. Great work, Ed. It turned out pretty great. Good to know that you are not perfect. Ha!

  8. That is great work. Now start filling your drawers!

  9. Ed, it looks great, well done!

  10. Nice results! I'd have to add little metal label holders for each drawer and cabinet, so I'd remember where I store stuff. Linda in Kansas

    1. I will probably just use painters tape. By the time it falls off, I'll know by memory anyway.

  11. You are so amazing! I'll need to show this to Art. Don't tell him I told you... but he's not great at organizing. This is fabulous!


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