Always one of my favorite days of the year, the day we light our first fire in the downstairs fireplace, arrived not to long ago. There aren't any distractions downstairs, no phones, no television, etc., only a comfortable reclining couch and a fireplace. So on periodic weekend days throughout the winter months, we will light a fire in the fireplace and spend the day reading and napping on the couch, basking in the warmth of the direct heat like lizards. The ashes from this fire have long since grown cold but I hope that the second fire is soon upon us. For my entire life, five decades and counting, we have always cut down a wild "Christmas tree" in the days after Thanksgiving. I used the quotes because we have always cut down a tree that for many is considered more like a weed than a tree of value. The red cedar tree, while native to our area, propagates very well and grows in undesirable places so people often spend lots of time cutting them down so stop them. They don&