Gone For the Holiday


A picture from Claude depicting where I will be for the next week.

He apparently isn't as gifted of a painter as Microsoft's Bing AI.


  1. Well, that is mysterious! Like nowhere I have ever been. Is it Nebraska?

  2. Looks like you will be harvesting some cantaloupe a mountainous area?

  3. Well, Claude may not be as talented as Bing AI, but it's still a nice composition! Have a happy holiday!

  4. You're spending Thanksgiving on a cabbage farm being mooned by a large blue giant?

  5. You're in the Great Smokies in a pumpkin patch.

  6. I think I am in love with Claude. Kind of scary how he answers my queries immediately and is so very nice to me! I didn't know he can also do an image for my thoughts.

  7. Hiking in the mountains and staying in a cabin...it is a tiny cabin too! Maybe you are hunting for the perfect Christmas Tree:)

  8. I assume you pre-scheduled a Laura Jane Harvey chapter for when you're gone? :) Mostly kidding. Hope you had a nice holiday.

  9. Hope it is a great time for you, Ed.

  10. Claude needs to go back t art school. Enjoy your time away, Ed.


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