Door County


Door County, Wisconsin has crossed my radar a few times and I knew it was pretty scenic but thought it was mostly a tourist trap. Some friends of ours recently went there and affirmed that it was but that one could easily get off the beaten path and do other things so it bumped up on our list. Not two weeks later, my wife got a few days off from work, besides her normal three day weekend and we decided to plan a spur of the moment vacation. Not wanting to spend four nights in a motel in Green Bay and then drive everyday to Door County, because everything in Door County has long since been booked, I looked into AirBnBs in Door County and found one that we liked. It was more expensive than I would normally pay for a night in a motel by a considerable amount, but the location of it off the beaten path and right on the shore of Lake Michigan, seemed exactly like what we were looking for and it happened to be available in two days time so I booked it.

We spent four nights there and came back home feeling very relaxed and refreshed.

On Day One, we went to a farmer's market to scrounge for picnic lunch food and food for future meals. This included stops at a fish monger to pick up white fish caught hours earlier and an assortment of other things from various roadside stops we came across throughout the day.

We drove to a State park for our picnic lunch and then to work off some of it by climbing the tower above for a view of our surroundings.

Though we did take the longer, much less steep way up though it had the exact same elevation gain as the shorter staircase. Eventually we made it back home and spent the evening paddling kayaks and paddleboards that came with the rental on the lake.

Later, I found myself sitting on the shore being scolded by Kingfishers as they fished nearby while I watched the sunset. 

Day two, being a Sunday, we went to church, but not any ordinary church. As it happened, there is a Catholic National Shrine dedicated to an appearance of Mother Mary as an apparition and later miraculously spared during the horrendous Pestigo Fire of 1871 that burned everything but the church and grounds for miles in every direction. It is the only such designated church in the United States and there are less than 30 worldwide. Although I'm Catholic, the church says that believing the sighting actually happened is not obligatory and there isn't any proof to be had other than the word of a teenage girl who grew up to dedicate her life to the church built on the spot where she saw the apparition. 

After church, we found a place to eat local and then went back to our rental where we spent time staring at the view above, playing lots of games, paddling and...

... taking a walk down a nearby lane.

On day three, we drove back to the east side of Green Bay where we visited an animal sanctuary that cares for and rehabilitates wounded animals. We did see some wolves through a heavily fenced in area that was impossible to photograph through but mostly we saw fairly common things like deer, the above turkey...

... ducks and...

...geese. They did have a very nice raptor bird exhibit full of hawks, eagles and owls but the cages were not conducive to photography. We did however enjoy a nice day walking around the sanctuary on the many trails.

Inside the visitor center, they did have a display of a few formerly living and a few still living animals on display, including this four day old Siamese calf.

After that we drove to a cherry orchard where harvest was in full swing. Above is a cherry pitter in action. We didn't pick any cherries as a storm was coming and it was fairly warm and humid but we did buy a few cherry products made by the orchard to enjoy later.

Finally we made our way back to our rental for more paddling, gaming and watching of sunsets.

After checking out of our rental, we started making our way home. Driving through Milwaukee on the way up had been horrendous and so in an effort to avoid it altogether, we decided to visit a Catholic Basilica northwest of Milwaukee built on top of a high hill. This allowed us to stretch our legs a bit and then drive around the west side of the city instead of on the east side on jammed up interstate highways.

Both this Basilica and the National Shrine we saw earlier in the trip had large quantities of walking aids left behind by those that had been "healed" during their visits.

This one also had a large robotic vacuum cleaner tucked into one alcove which I thought was neat. Prayers don't clean the church.

Our last item before leaving the Basilica was to climb the steps up to one of the twin towers. It was a real huff and puff to make it up but it was worth it for the 360 degree views.

We made it home safely that evening and I have no regrets on the money we spent on the rental which we counter balanced by not eating out very often during our vacation and everything else we did that weekend being free of charge. Above is the final sunset which I got to see and as it turned out, it was the best one of them all.


  1. You did lots of exercise to create those beautiful pics. Need to enlarge some sunsets for your wall! Linda in Kansas

    1. Perhaps someday I shall. I usually let a photo age to see if it grows on me or becomes forgotten before I enlarge them.

  2. Sorry, but I sim[ly have to do this.

    What an DOORable little vacation. /AC

    1. I would expect nothing less from you AC!

  3. Looks gorgeous. I always think cherries when I hear Door County. Do they still have the bright red lighthouse?

    1. Perhaps. I did not see one and we only saw one lighthouse up close the entire trip. I've read that many go there to chase lighthouses and I think it a noble pursuit but we had enough other things to do... or not do as the case may be, that we didn't actively pursue them.

  4. That's a nice rental, love the views of the lake! Sounds like a great trip.

  5. Sounds like a great trip! Your lakefront rental looks terrific and the view from the tower of the basilica is impressive. I've never even heard of Door County before, but then, I've never been to Wisconsin!

    1. I probably only heard it for the first time maybe four or five years ago. It is one of those places that has started marketing itself as a tourist destination.

  6. So many good photos, Ed! The interior of the shrine is lovely and seeing the "roomba" made me laugh. I bet it takes it awhile to navigate all the pews/chairs. My favorite sunset is the first one.

    1. I couldn't imagine the roomba making it's way through all the pews. I imagine it must work at it all night long.

  7. Beautifully scenic and full of interesting visits to a variety of places. Love those sunsets!

    1. Because of where I live, surrounded by trees on all sides, sunsets are very rare for me to see and why I gravitate towards them when I am somewhere where they are visible.

  8. Thanks for the great pictures and info, Ed! Wisconsin has always been too far from anywhere we have lived to be a place we could easily access; outside of a single trip to Madison it remains a mystery - now, a little less mysterious and with some beautiful scenery.

    1. Madison is a nice town to visit, especially on Saturday mornings during the summer when the farmer's market is going on.

  9. Ed, what a fantastic mini-vacation. Really interesting photographs. I'm thinking that, even with the expense of the AirBnB, it was worth it. Such a lovely place.

    1. It evened out quite a bit since we spent very little by not eating out and doing things during the day that didn't cost us money.

  10. Although we lived within a few hours of that area, we rarely visited for the one reason you mentioned. Too many tourists! I am glad that you found a non-touristy section. Beautiful country for sure!

    1. I was impressed how deserted it got once off the main road and outside of a couple of it's towns.

  11. Sounds like a wonderful vacation. I have mixed feelings about air bnbs - but in your case, it was magical - off the beaten path and relaxing. Here in Hawaii most of the locals are so opposed to them - having strangers troop through established neighborhoods and making property values even higher. We have so many hotels (expensive) and most of the ones that would use air bnbs are going for the cheap.

    1. I certainly understand your point of view. In general, we are always quite and respectful of the neighbors and in this specific case, I think every house nearby were either vacation homes or rentals. In the 12 or so houses on that stretch, only one had someone living in it while we were there and they left on day two so I'm assuming they were renting it also. When something comes along and changes the paradigm, I would expect the established businesses will seem a fair amount of upheaval.

  12. Lovely pictures and lovely place. Had heard about the Fire that burned everything but the church and grounds but did not know that it was here.

    1. I have read two books about the fire and neither one, that I recall anyway, mentioned the church so it was a surprise to me to learn about it.


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