

During one of those week with guests, the neighbor lady who always gave us cookies and who died last winter, had an estate auction. Since it was right next door to our house, it was convenient as we could walk back and forth without feeling obligated to stay there all day. We bid on a few things and one of the items I bid on was a Christmas Santa that one of our guests had been eying. But lumped with it was a small cardboard box full of brass parts in plastic bags.

Not knowing if it was valuable or not, I picked up the box along with the Santa and carried them both home and deposited them before returning. It was a few days later before I was able to look at the box to identify what was in it. I took the pieces out and after a bit, created an assembly that you see above. Still, I wasn't sure what I was looking at. It obviously attaches to the wall but with no electrical accommodations, I just wasn't sure what it was. I did a few google picture searches that turned up nothing and then forgot about it for a few more days. Then as I happened to walk by it one afternoon sitting on my workbench, it hit me, they were curtain rod ends. 

I tried finding a good home for them via the Face of Book but got no takers. For now they just sit on my workbench and perhaps someday, I'll find a good place for them so that they don't end up in the landfill.

Finally, catching up on my photo collection on my phone, I thought I would post one picture of the 4th of July celebration that our town had on the 5th of July. The 4th of July had been forecasted to be rainy from passing thunderstorms. It turned out to be a sunny, mild, beautiful day. But I suppose due to the nature of setting up timed explosives, they have to make the call a day in advance when we didn't know any better and so it was postponed a day. Fortunately, the 5th of July was every bit as nice as the 4th of July and I actually had to don a light jacket to stay comfortable while watching our small, humble display being shot off. 


  1. What a great fireworks shot! Looks like a great place to view a display.

    Good guess about the curtain rod fixture. I was clueless.

    1. It is a great place to view them but is logistically is a hard place to get traffic out of after the show. By parking next to the highway on the far side of the lagoon, we have an advantage but requires going early to secure a spot.

  2. That photo is a keeper. I think you should enter it in a contest. 👍👍

  3. I love your fireworks photo! I can't imagine needing a jacket, light or otherwise right now. Our fourth was so hot the celebration (and cooking) all had to take place inside.

    1. It was definitely unusual to be wearing a jacket at this time of the year.

  4. That is a nice setting right over the water. Thanks for you recent comment. I have no problem with you sharing your opinion.

    1. Thank you AC. I really appreciate that.

  5. I love that fireworks shot! I thought the item was a doorknob. LOL

    1. That was my first thought too when I looked inside the box at the auction after winning the bid.

  6. Kay of Musings: I agree, that’s a perfect fireworks photo. I love how you called it Face of Book. 😄

    1. I can’t claim the phrase which came from blogger TB.

  7. That is a stellar picture, Ed (to echo others).

    I think technically I have used "The Book of Face", but I think I like "The Face of Book" just as much.

    1. Man, I tried to copy your term and flubbed it up. I meant the Face of Book!

      I liked the picture but wish it has less smoke in the background.

  8. Very nice shot! Love the silhouettes in the front.

    1. They were my daughters and some friends.

  9. I would have never guessed curtain rod holder from the picture itself, but once you told us what it is, it make perfect sense.

    1. For the longest time, I was thinking it was a fancy candle sconce but just couldn't understand why it had held the candle so close to the wall.

  10. I'll say it again: Terrific photo! I miss Fourth of July fireworks. Haven't seen them in years. (Understandably!)

    Good eye on figuring out the curtain rod ends. I think I'd still be scratching my head.

    1. I even tried google photo search and all that came up were doorknobs.

  11. Great 4th shot. That is a pretty fancy curtain rod holder!

    1. This family has lots of money and didn't invest it so they had to spend it on fancy things.


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