35 Years In the Making


As I blogged about earlier, I've tried raising sour cherries for about 25 years now after extricating myself from 10 years of living in apartment buildings, but haven't lived in a spot long enough to allow the trees to get mature enough to produce enough fruit to make a sour cherry pie, my personal favorite. Sure I've had plenty of sour cherry crisps or tarts over the years but they have only been tastes and not quite the same a pie full of the fruit.

So I was excited when a couple weeks ago I was able to pick enough fruit to actually make a regulation sized sour cherry pie. My eldest daughter pitted the fruit, my wife marinated it in some sugar to take a bit of the tartness from the fruit and I made the crust from scratch. My wife rolled out the bottom crust and poured in the fruit and I gave my eldest daughter a lesson on how to do a lattice which she completed and sprinkled some more sugar on for texture and into the oven it went.

Above is the completed pie which we started eating the very next day, the day before Father's day, and the day when I am usually presented with a small sour cherry tart or crisp for a taste with our traditional Father's day meal. As I write this, hours before the actual Father's Day begins, I'm guessing the rest of it will be polished off tomorrow. Both of my daughters love sour cherry pies as well. My wife and mother-in-law, fortunately don't care for the tartness so it leaves more for the three of us.


  1. Replies
    1. Just a touch over baked but still tasty.

  2. I'm glad you finally got your pie, after all that time investment!

    1. My next goal will be a fresh pie’s worth and another pie worth to freeze.

  3. I've never had a sour cherry pie, but not liking cherries, I probably wouldn't be a fan. I do like rhubarb though--nothing better than a rhubarb crisp or rhubarb custard pie.

    1. I don’t think a rhubarb pie taste profile is that far off from a sour cherry pie. Both are tart.

  4. Mmm, mmm, mmm. I would LOVE to have a slice of that pie!! So I take it your MIL is back? Happy with her new accomodations?

    1. She got back in April and likes not having to go up and down the stairs. Plus my teenager likes having a bedroom in the basement away from all the hubbub.

  5. Beautiful pie! I'm now hungry.

  6. Great pie lover here and I have sour sherries.

    1. I hope you were able to harvest some this year.

  7. Replies
    1. Jack of all trades, master of none... is what I like to say.

  8. Nothing sweeter than a long deferred achievement made real. Well done.

  9. MmmmMmmmm, pie! I love pies. I might even like a sour cherry one!

    1. You would. There is nothing not to like!

  10. I like the looks of that pie, Ed. Congrats!! Hope it tasted as good as it looked.

  11. We planted a sour cherry tree in our backyard when we lived in Illinois and there was a gigantic crop of sour cherries this year. However, my daughter was not wanting to work on pitting and baking.... soooo... looks like the birds are having or have had a fruit feast to enjoy.

    1. At least your daughter could decide. Until now, I’ve never had much of a decision!

  12. I am very impressed with your culinary abilities, by the way.

    1. I have a small repertoire, pies included.


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