Happy Thanksgiving To My Fellow Bloggers


A.I. generated picture I got from typing in "celebrating Thanksgiving with fellow bloggers in the style of Dali." I thought it appropriate to head this post.

With my extended family deceased and my immediate family scattered across this country, our Thanksgivings recently have been pretty low key. This year will be no exception. As years go by, we tend to focus more on giving back to our community and others over celebrating the holiday for ourselves.

I belong to a fraternal organization that does periodic fund raisers throughout the year. One of the things we raise money for is to create Thanksgiving boxes for those in need. We usually get a ham and all the traditional fixings for a dinner, put it in a box and then give them to another organization that deals specifically with a certain clientele within our community. Many of their clients have mental issues. Others are destitute and just can't get to other places that serve the needy on that particular day. This year, even with inflation costing us nearly 30% in higher food costs, we were still able to box up 50 dinners for 50 families, all within our county. This happened earlier this week.

Today, perhaps as you read this, we will be volunteering our time to deliver hot Thanksgiving meals to those in need around our county. I think they do somewhere on the order of several thousand dinners every year. We usually do a route or two, comprising of about 4 to 5 stops per route before returning home. It is always an eye opening experience delivering these meals to houses with no heat and barely any furniture. We take along our girls so that they get to see that not everyone has it as lucky as we do. When we are done, we will be chilled and our gas gauge will be a bit lower but our hearts will be warm.

When we get home from that, we will put the final touches on a pretty basic meal. We are having the turkey I smoked last week, some form of potato, vegetable, some rolls my wife made this past weekend and a couple pies I made yesterday, perhaps a few other dishes. It will be my wife and kids, a priest with no nearby family and a couple foreign school teachers, also with no family, in total seven of us.

I am thankful for all that I have and all that I could give back to my community this year. I hope all those out there in blogger land are having a wonderful holiday as well, even my Canadian friends who celebrate a month too early and those in foreign countries that don't even celebrate a holiday this time of year. I'll raise my glass as shown above and solute all of you for continuing to enrich my life with your writings.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our Thanksgiving pies made the day before from homegrown Hubbard squash and homegrown apples.


  1. What a fantastic Thanksgiving tradition! Your meal and guest list sound really nice too. We're low key here as well, with my kids having to juggle in-laws and their families.

    The AI art is interesting. It looks like a lot of copy and paste from various sources, with curious characters in the background. But the thing that really strikes me is the laptops at the dinner table! Is AI inviting itself to Thanksgiving dinner?

  2. Oh, you do so well helping out like you do, even inviting people to yours. 👍

    But I find it necessary to inform you that we time TG right. 😁

    Actually, I think it is right for our climate. Apparently, we once celebrated in November, but it was felt that there was coms conflict with Remembrance Day. As old as I am, I have no memory of this. 😎

  3. What a lovely way to spend Thanksgiving! It's really what the holiday should be about. (versus overeating)

  4. Very caring work. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  5. That's a nice donation and delivering adventure! I'm sure many folks really appreciated it. Please send a slice of apple pie to Kansas, Linda

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! You spend Thanksgiving day mostly giving! Way to go!

  7. And of course, we are celebrating Thanksgiving a week late because of my nephew's (ER nurse) scheduling conflict. I'll be spending this coming week getting the house ready, defrosting the turkey, brining it and making some dishes before hand. I think what you did for Thanksgiving is absolutely wonderful and truly a way of giving forward.


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