A New Beginning

It was just an ordinary Thursday when my oldest daughter texted me with the news. She has been accepted into her university of choice as a Neuroscience major. I couldn't be more proud of her and I'm a bit envious of her new adventure that will be starting less than a year from now. She will leave the nest we made and cared for her in these last 17 years and begin to stretch out her own wings. Exciting times.

The one drawback is that I went to the rival state college. It was known for it's engineering so it made sense. My daughter's college is know for medical science so I guess it also makes sense. Now, somehow, I am going to have to learn to cheer for her school. Fortunately I'm not a really big sports fan, especially college football or basketball which are the main rival sports between them so I probably won't have too big of a hang up on cheering. It will mostly be undoing brain muscle memory.

Now a brief word on the picture above which I created using Microsoft's Image Creator. I typed in the words "Neuroscience poster for incoming freshmen" and that is the result. Of the four choices I were given for an image, all four had made up/foreign words across the top, some at least starting with a capital 'N'. I guess it is another reminder that as good as computers are getting, they still aren't at the level of the human mind just yet.


  1. That is fantastic Ed! Congratulations to your daughter!

    Yes, I was envious of Nighean Dhonn and her Archaeology studies as well. Funny how now doing that sort of studying would seem not at all like the giant mountain it did once upon a time.

    1. I think if I lived near a university, I would probably take classes just for the fun of them. Fortunately, the nearest one is the one my daughter will be attending which is still too far to commute on a daily basis.

    2. What great news! That is terrific. When Dylan headed out to college, he used to text my daughter. "So. Has mom stopped crying yet?" Still there is something magnificent about watching them come into their own. It's what we raised them for...and it breaks our hearts a little to see them go.

    3. Fortunate for her, I suppose. I do not think my daughter would handle me being in her college class well....

    4. Debby - I'm sure there might be some tears involved for me too.

  2. It's kind of a cool poster design, minus the mysterious "ocknings." Congrats to your daughter on her accomplishment!

  3. Congrats to her and you. So far I have avoided AI, except at low levels in photo editing. Nothing creative or inventive yet.

    1. My limit is creating a few pictures for a blog post when I have nothing relevant to add.

  4. Congratulations to your daughter! I know y'all are proud!

  5. Ed, that's fantastic news! And I got a grin out of your dilemma. Funny how those sports rivalries are so indelible.

    1. The rival football game was just this past Saturday. My college lost... again.

  6. My two youngest went to rival private colleges in California. One was such an amazing school with great social conscience and the other was super Republican. It was a challenge for me to accept as well as being a huge financial burden. I really don't know how we did it.

    1. Fortunately, neither of these school carry much in the way of political leanings, at least to the average person. I'm sure there are professors of both persuasions teaching classes.

  7. Congratulations to your daughter! In my son-in-law's family, he got his first degree from Iowa State whereas his sister graduated from Iowa. Split loyalties!

  8. Great news, except that she can't be ready to enter college. I remember you writing about her birth and early childhood... Has it really been that long? At least you can tell each other the cross state rival jokes that seem to be the same, only the name of the state changes! -Jeff. https://fromarockyhillside.com

    1. Yes, my longest reader, it has been that long. Hard for me to believe at times.

  9. Congrats! Cool major. I went to Kansas University. My son went to Kansas State, an obvious choice if you want to be a vet. After a few car trips, bundles of money, and time, my loyalties switched to his school. Football devotion is genetic but skipped me. My son and his wife have season tickets. I let them continue those car trips back and forth. Linda in Kansas

    1. Our big state rivalry game just occurred this past weekend. I still cheered for my alma mater for the five minutes I watched before moving onto other things. But I haven't spent those bundles of money or completed hours of driving yet!

  10. Congratulations to her, so nice when they have a plan and it comes a reality!

    1. Yes, we haven't had to encourage her to pursue anything because she has been self motivated to do so thus far.

  11. Wow! I can imagine how proud you must be. I remember how difficult it was when our daughter left for college. My son had a hard time with it too actually. He and my daughter are close friends. He wrote her a note saying he would miss her because who could he ask about his clothes choices. Certainly not mom.


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