
 With the cabin building on hold while a plumber and electrician do their things, I turned my attention to a long ago started project in hopes of finishing it and this time, was successful. The neighborhood hardware store that sold bolts, washers, nuts and other hardware piece at a time closed after a long run. The couple who own it, good friends, decided the time had come to close it and enjoy life for awhile. I can't blame them. But it required an unsuccessful trip to the huge box store that only sells hardware in packages of 5 or 12 and still didn't have what I needed. For that it took me two times of attempting to order it online before I successfully got what I was missing.

The installation of the hardware itself went pretty quickly and one morning before things got too unbearably hot, I was able to get it hung. I even sat on it myself to test it out and everything held. Since then, all the women in my family have been fighting over porch swing time which thrills me to no end. Now after clearing up a few odds and ends around the garage and house, I need to sit down and come up with another project, one that I can hopefully complete in short order before I start a bigger project I have planned for later on this year.


  1. It looks great! I'd be fighting for my opportunity if I were there, too.

    1. I'm glad that it is being used and not just a visual decoration.

  2. Well done, and I’m sure you will soon find another project.

  3. That looks like a great place to spend summer evenings! The whole place looks great. Love the beadboard ceilings on the porch also. Good luck with the next project! I'm thinking about tackling a kitchen backsplash as my next big project.

    1. We do too. The wife and I spent a weekend on scaffolding, left by the installers, staining it before they came back the following week.

      I've done a couple kitchen backsplashes over the years. As far as DIY projects go, they aren't very hard or stressful which makes them favorites to tackle.

    2. Excellent! It looks terrific! I can see why it's in demand. Love the pillows, too.

  4. Looks great, Ed. Wonderful job as always and good luck on the next project.

  5. How lovely! You will soon have your daughters swinging there with their boyfriends. Wait. Why does that sound risqué?

  6. That is a beautiful swing; I love the pillows too. If I visited your city, I would want some reading and chatting time on that porch swing.

    1. I'll have to put up one of those number things so you can get a number for your turn.

  7. Ed, it looks fantastic! Well done. Such a beautiful accessory for your beautiful home. My dad always loved my grandparent's front porch swing. I hope you get as much enjoyment out of it as he did.

    1. I've never really been anywhere with a suspended porch swing. On the farm, we had a swing but it was suspended from an A-frame log support and not from a ceiling.

  8. Wonderful. Nothing like finishing something that is long overdue.

    1. It is always a relief followed by anticipation for the next project.

  9. That is a beautiful swing. Congrats on a job well done. Want to give us a hint what the "bigger project" later this year might be?

    1. It will probably involve building custom rustic cabinetry for a small cabin that was recently built.

  10. I'm not sure couples hang out on the swing anymore... and certainly a bummer when a good hometown hardware store closes. Only one in the KC downtown industrial district has the old spinning bins of loose nails of different sizes. I don't need a box of nails, but that's how I've got to buy them now. The swing is beautiful and a family heirloom! Burn in the date you made it on the bottom. Linda in Kansas

    1. Sadly covered front porches with swings have gone the way of hardware stores with spinning bins of nails.

  11. Oh it is so pretty! I can see why they fight over it!


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