Phase One Complete

There is the first phase of the mobile assembly table now completed and with a fresh coat (though I still haven't buffed it out yet) of hard wax on top. This will make it easier to keep it clean for awhile and potentially for a longer while if I reapply every so often which I probably never will. I've very happy to have a nice flat surface to work on once again.


  1. It sure does look nice! -Kelly

  2. That looks great! I would have that in my house.

    1. Not sure it would go with your decor. It would be kind of small for your family dinners.

  3. Way to go! Looks like a great work surface! :)

  4. Wow. Turned out great! You do good work. Now. Get to work on that porch swing, mister!

  5. OK, I'm totally impressed. I need to show this to Art. He'll love it.


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