Some Assembly Required


Now that the he/she shed is done for the time being, my wife has moved another project up from the depths of my list to the top. She wants a porch swing for our front porch. I think that would be great, but I have one little problem. When I started my garage remodel project during the early days of Covid, I had to tear out my fixed workbench along the wall. I was happy to do so at the time because it always just collected clutter and due to it being up against the wall, really limited me to what I could do on it. By getting rid of it, it allowed me to redo the cabinets over it and push all my tools now on mobile carts underneath up against the wall. This freed up space and allows me to park both cars inside at night. 

My master plan was to replace the fixed workbench with one on wheels so it could be mobile. This would allow me to pull it into the center of the garage where I have room and plenty of light and it could be bigger to allow me to work on bigger projects easily. Ideally it would have plenty of drawers underneath to store lots of things that go along with assembling projects from jigs, screws, drills, etc. But then the he/she said became more of a priority and didn't require an assembly table to build and so that plan has been gathering dust in my head all this time.

But I think the time has come to finally get it built and finally finish up the garage woodworking/remodel project I started so long ago. For now, to appease my wife, I'm going to just build the table without all the cabinets and drawers underneath. It will be mobile and provide a great work surface for me to build a porch swing on though I will still have to scrounge here and there for all the required tools. Then I can wait until later when the timing is better to finish up the cabinetry and drawers down below. 


  1. Sounds like you are effectively your wife's slave. She snaps her fingers and you follow her commands. Is she physically abusing you? There are helpline numbers you can call. Husband abuse is, I believe, surprisingly common in rural Iowa.

    1. I'm sure you have heard of the phrase "Happy wife, happy life!" Well, there is also another phrase that goes along with it. "Pick and choose your battles." Back in the garage building things out of wood is not a battle I want to fight.

  2. This scenario sounds so familiar, LOL. I think the takeaway is to remember to be flexible because our plans are never truly fixed in stone. No matter how much we wish they were!

    1. For sure. When I built that long workbench along the garage wall, I thought it was such a perfect solution and that I'd finally made it to the big leagues. I just hope I get a few years out of my mobile workbench before I decide I just can't stand it anymore.

  3. Ahh, the garage reno. I think that’s about where I came in.

    1. Yes, it sort of got sidetracked for awhile... and in reality still is with the hot weather upon up. Perhaps in a few weeks with cooler mornings, I can get back to working on a laundry list of projects.

  4. One project leads to another...... -Kelly

  5. I think you've made a wise decision. The joys of relaxing on a porch swing trump the cabinets and drawers. (which as you mentioned, can be done later)

    1. Since the season without bugs is very brief in spring and again after the first couple freezes in the fall, before it becomes either too hot or too cold, I think I prefer my easy chair inside for relaxing!

  6. You are a good man, and a wise husband.

    1. You don’t get old or remain married by not being wise.

  7. Imagine sitting quietly with your wife watching fiteflies. Totally worthwhile project.

    1. At least when it isn’t 100 degrees out at sunset.

  8. You are an amazing husband, Ed! I can imagine all the women in Iowa who would snap you up if your wife should ever turn her head and not keep an eye on you. :-) She is a lucky lady.


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