Wordle In Two

Like millions of other people, I was swept up in the Wordle craze and play it every morning before the kids are up and about. I enjoy the brain exercise. As you can see from the statistics panel shown above, nearly half the time I can guess the word in four tries. Most of the other half time, my successful guesses are split between three and five tries with two outliers that took all six tries. Guessing it in one try is a function of only chance and I would have to play for seven years, everyday and always using the same word, in my case TRADE, before I might succeed. Still, I keep hoping that someday I might guess the word on my second try if I could get enough letters in my first attempt.

Which brings me to Wednesday when my first attempt gave me three letters in their correct position. As you can see below, my hopes were soon dashed,


  1. Sue got it in two yesterday.Daughter has also done this on occasion. Two is luck, and three probably is as well. Enjoy it. I had a good result from my expert level sudoku this morning. Maybe it was easier than usual, but I had a pretty good time — foe me. 🤓

    1. I got today in three with only one letter in a known location and one letter in a wrong position after two guesses. It was the only word I could think of after ten minutes an as you say, lucky considering duplicate letters in the answer.

  2. Ed, I do a crossword game instead. Others do Wordle here; I can only handle sort of morning puzzle at a time.

    1. I do a daily crossword and soduko game in our local newspaper as well as now Wordle. But if I drop one, it would be Wordle.

  3. For some reason my game resets every day, so I have no stats. That said, I have gotten it in two at least once, but never guessed it correctly the first time. I've only had one time I didn't get it at all. I lacked one letter that could have been several options and I chose the wrong one. No, my phone didn't self destruct or anything.

    I got yesterday's in three.

    1. I've heard of others having problems with their stats. I always do mine on the same device and just keep a tab open to that website so perhaps that is why mine are retained.

      I've had several chances at getting it in two but usually it is just missing a letter in which multiple will work and I just keep guessing the wrong ones.

  4. I agree with John-two is pure luck, three is a bit of luck. I generally get it in 4 or 5. I haven't tried today's puzzle. I start with roate, audio or adieu. I like to get the vowel situation mostly dealt with right off the bat.

    1. I tried that but found I do worse when I know only the vowels and do better the more consonants I know. Hence why I go with TRADE.

  5. I love Wordle! I've done the Jumble and crossword for years, but this is easy to add. And finally, it's something nearly everyone in my family is doing so it's fun to have some friendly competition. I'm pleased to report on two occasions I've gotten the word on two tries. Mostly, however, I hover around three and four, with the occasional five or six. It seems they are using fewer common-usage words now, e.g. trove and bloke.

    1. Our paper has the Jumble as well but I stink at rearranging letters for some reason. I can usually get the final answer just by reading the hand drawn comic with it and a knowledge of puns. My wife however can usually solve all the scrambled words in a matter of seconds. Our brains evidently aren't wired the same.

      Although the New York Times denies doing anything, I agree that since they took over, the words have been a lot more obscure. Today was a doozy but I lucked out and got it in three!

  6. I think it took me six tries that day. I play too:)

    1. I don’t think there is any shame in six tries. It really comes down to your starting word and what the final answer for the day is.

  7. I have never played Wordle. I'm going to let it pass me by completely like the Soduku craze. LOL

  8. Oh gosh! I scheduled a blog post to go up in March also about WORDLE. It takes me a long time for my old brain to figure it out. My granddaughter and children figure it out so quickly they're actually timing themselves. Arrrghhh!

  9. I have become a Wordle fan too but I wish there was a new Wordle every hour - rather than every twenty four hours.

    1. There are Wordle like games where you can play as long as you like but you aren’t playing the same word as everyone else.

  10. I am one of the few who haven't yet fallen for this game! I don't understand it and haven't invested the time to understand

    1. Since it can't be time consuming by design, you are missing out!

  11. I am also addicted to Wordle. I start mine with ADIOS and more times than not, "O" is in the word but in the wrong order.

    1. I used to start with the word ADIEU but quickly found that knowing a vowel wasn't a big help. So I have since gone to TRADE which has some of the most common letters, vowels and consonants and I have done a lot better.

  12. Same thing for me...so many alternatives:)

    1. Had I got the 'V' on guess one, it might have been a much different turnout.


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