When It Rains, It Pours

 As I write this, I'm still waiting on the concrete to be poured. My concrete guy has stopped by to inspect things and assure me that it would get poured that week. Today the week is half over. To complicate things in my mind, I have gotten up in the wee hours of the morning because I can't sleep to the deluge of rain falling outside. All I can think of is sand and dirt being washed into my rat barriers and that I am going to now be spending hours digging it all out by hand (around lots of rebar) and repairing things before the concrete can be poured. I just know that I will get a notice later this morning that THIS will be the day and my lawn will be turned into a holy muddy mess as they truck the concrete back to the forms from the road. After five weeks of perfect dry conditions for pouring concrete, the day after a huge dump of rain always is the way these things work.

To make matters worse, I just checked my phone and was notified (during the middle of the night) of fraudulent activity on my ATM debit card. I only use my ATM debit card for rare cash withdrawals at the bank ATM machine in their lobby so I am a bit surprised by this. I'm not sure how the thief even used it unless it was just a flat out lucky guess of numbers somehow. I have never used my ATM debit card to purchase something by phone or internet so don't even know what the burden of proof that is required for those methods beyond the 16 digit number. I don't use my ATM debit card at all for anything other than cash withdrawals because I don't like using a card with direct access to my bank account in an age of easy cell phone pictures, fake card readers, etc. The bank flagged the sixth transaction but approved a couple hundred dollars of other transactions before everything was brought to a halt. All charges were still pending and I was able to flag them as fraudulent so hopefully I can get my money back. I hope everything runs as well oiled as disputing fraudulent credit card charges which has happened a few times over the years. 

So until I get a replacement card, this time an ATM non-debit card, I have no way to get any cash short of going to a bank whose lobby has been closed for the last year and a half due to Covid. Fortunately, I rarely use cash anyway.


  1. Anything like that brings some sleepless nights, at least for me.

    1. I'm usually pretty good at being able to go to sleep but it is the waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to shut the mind off again that gets to me.

  2. Good morning. I say that, but I don't think you are having the best one possible. I hope both issues get resolved.

    1. I had nearly forgotten about this post especially with my concrete poured and the fraudulently taken money fully refunded. Everything worked out in the end.

  3. I'm sorry Ed, this is some pretty down news. That debit card steal was scary too, at least with credit card theft you're not responsible, that's that. Well at least it was caught early on. Sure hope your Labor Day is a sunny one.

    1. I had a great Labor Day Doug and my money was fully refunded. I now have an ATM only card that supposedly doesn't work anywhere unless a pin number is also known.

  4. Argh. Knock wood, we have never had that happen. There have been a couple times that we've had charges on our card that have been the result of bank errors, quickly fixed. Never outright fraud. Let us know how things work out.

    1. Although I have had several credit card breaches over the years, that was the first time for my debit card. It seemed more scary to me since it was directly linked to my checking account. Fortunately I was refunded all lost money and have been replaced with an ATM only card.

  5. ps, I forgot to say, can you tarp your work?

    1. I probably could and it might prevent sand from washing down into the trenches but wouldn't prevent water from getting into the trenches from surrounding areas. As it turned out, there was no sand washed down into the trenches, a testament to how good my packing job was.

  6. I had the same thing happen to a business debit card I have never used once for anything. It's on an account I keep a little money in, but is not my main account. You will get all of your money back, it just might take a week or two.

    1. I did get it all back in about 10 days. I also set limits now so it notifies me of any transaction though due to my phone being silenced at night, it probably wouldn't of saved me in this instance either.

  7. Geez. I feel for you.

    I know you schedule in advance, so I hope by now everything is under control.

    1. It is much better. Concrete is successfully poured and money successfully refunded. My mind has moved on to other worries!

  8. What a mess! Fraud is way too easy and common these days. I hate always looking over my shoulder...
    Hope it all works out and the rain stops! We desperately need some here.

    1. We were so dry, that within a day, you could hardly tell we had any rain. We actually got about three more rains before the concrete got poured and though it did tear up the lawn a bit, it isn't terrible. Of course, it would probably be horrible damage to someone who pampers their lawn. I am not that person.

  9. Well, that is awful. There is nothing worse than watching one's work threatened and they can do nothing about it.

    We have had "the compromised card" a number of times. There sometimes seems to be no rhyme or reason to it.

    1. I tried to elicit some sort of reasoning from the bank but they wouldn't bite. So I'm left to assume either someone randomly guessed the 16 digits using software and a website that doesn't limit attempts, or the data was hacked through the bank. Now with an ATM only card, supposedly it won't work unless the pin number is entered also.

  10. Oy. That is just too much stress. I am careful where I use my debit card, too, but there is always some 'enterprising' person or bot out there to worm their way into your information. I'd be hard-pressed to use my bank, since they have closed all of the branches that are close to me. I hope that things end up going smoothly vis a vis your concrete.

    1. My bank, the only bank in town thus way, has been closed for a year and a half now except by appointments three weeks in advance! I have been so frustrated by this, I set up my oldest daughter with an account at another bank via just walking in one day. All the other banks just set up plastic shields and put markings showing six feet spacing and call it good.

  11. As a longtime banker and compliance officer, I can tell you staying ahead of the bad guys who commit fraud and theft takes tremendous time and resources. I trust your bank will make all of this good and it’s an isolated occurrence.

    1. They did Bob. I hope my getting an ATM only card for a replacement will add a bit of security. Fortunately, the old one was only linked to a checking account which I don't carry a high balance on. A good lesson to keep it that way.

  12. After reading all the comments, I am glad it all worked out!

  13. I hope the rest of the week works out better, Ed.

  14. Hope you get the card situation taken care of. The bums anyways:(

  15. Oh my gosh, Ed. I'm so sorry. This is awful. I hope the next few days will be much better.


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