Convergence of History
St. Louis Fire , illustrated by Henry Lewis in Das illustrirte Mississippithal (The Valley of the Mississippi Illustrated) from 1857 One of my goals in my spare time is to update a "book" I wrote on the Chicken side of my family. It is 42 pages long but only the first 9 pages were creatively written and detail the immigrant Chicken who came from England to Wisconsin in 1849 and his descendants. When I wrote it more than ten years ago, that was as far as I could trace the line. Since then I have pushed it back two, possibly three more generations and have a lot more information to include. Before starting that process however, I have been creating research documents for each of my ancestors, listing all the documents I have found, what facts they contain, etc., so that everything is easily found in chronological order. Just the act of compiling all that information, usually means I discover overlooked factoids that were skipped over earlier because they did...