Spur of the Moment Weekend

Free from all the recent commitments we have been juggling, I guess we just couldn't relax straight out and so on the spur of the moment, did a road trip. Thursday afternoon, we decided that since we had a free weekend, perhaps we should go to the graduation part of the son of some old friends of ours, in Indiana! So we loaded up the car on Friday morning and drove to Indiana, killed time by driving downtown in rush hour traffic for supper and then after a night in a motel, went to the graduation party the next day. Boy were they surprised to see us pull up. We spent two hours chatting and catching up and then hopped in the car and drove all the way back to Iowa.

Their son was born two months before my eldest daughter and is autistic. He scores well above his age/grade level on standardized testing for every subject except for communication. Even his communication skills have improved dramatically over the years so that you can actually have somewhat of a conversation with him these days. He told me at the party that he is off to college in the fall to study Computer Science and I can't help but wish him well. His parents told me that the University of Indiana has a program for those who fall on the autism scale to help guide him through his college years. 

Back home, we did some gardening work and then attended the last concert of the season for our local symphony orchestra group. It is always one of my favorites because it is outside, in a clearing and except for one year many years ago, the weather has always been perfect. People show up early with picnic baskets full of foods and wines, to eat visit and listen to the performance. For me, it is a signal of the first days of summer. It went a long way to releasing the tensions of spending 12+ hours in a car over the previous two days.


  1. It was nice of you to drive such a long way for the event.

    1. I'm so glad we did just to see the reactions on the faces of our old friends.

  2. Wow! That sounds like quite a trek! I'm sure your friends' son was happy to have you there.

  3. The concert setting looks lovely! It's already far too hot here for an event like that. (at least in my opinion)

    1. The weather was mild but the gnats are horrible. Fortunately on that day, it was breezy and kept the bugs off.

  4. Hurrah for the autistic lad who has found a way forward in his life and hurrah for The Ed Gang who drove all the way to Indiana to mark a special moment in the young man's education.

  5. You are a good friend. Best of life to that young man and his parents.

  6. How wonderful that you could surprise the friends! It's excellent that colleges are becoming aware of the untapped potential of autistic people and can guide them appropriately in their studies.

    1. For sure. Had he been born around my time, his outcome would have been much different.

  7. How nice that you went to the Grad party! Best of Luck to that young man, so wonderful that there are programs in place to help those with autism:)

  8. Sometimes it is nice to take a trip without much planning and glad you were able to surprise your friends.

  9. I'm so glad for that son of your friends. It was wonderful of you to attend his graduation. 12 hours in a car? We used to travel far when we lived in Illinois too. Now 30 minutes seems a long time in Hawaii.


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