The Last Days of Fall

Due to other circumstances, we have decided that this past year was our last year for our farm garden and we are proceeding full steam ahead on our urban garden. The radish crop was a success until the local deer population made it a failure so the fence solution is tucked away in the building in this picture to be installed first thing in the spring. With the lack of additional nutrients added to the soil with the decimation of our radish crop, I looked around for sources of composted manure. We have some on the farm but it would require a lot of effort and time to get it up to here and scattered out. The farm compost is also full of weed seeds which guarantees a lot more future effort in weeding, for weeds types currently not a problem behind our house. So after scouting around, I walked into the last place that had any of it in bags still available and bought all they had, 95 bags worth. I carted the bags down and scattered them out using the wheelbarrow and then my kids...