The Readers Lament

Image Creator by Bing A.I.

I love to read and reading is my choice of time diversion. People often see me reading out in public and comment about how they should have brought a book. They are of course being polite and never read books but I on the other hand, never go anywhere without one. I just keep it with me and whenever a few minutes presents itself, I'll open it up and read. It is something I treasure doing the older I get.

But the world is always against me it seems.

Just the other day, I had my vehicle in for servicing at our local dealership. Normally I go into the showroom floor where there is a bench in the corner and read instead of the provided waiting room. It is always full of people loudly talking about the most inane of subjects, watching a blaring television or playing games or videos (with sound on loudly) on their phones. It is always quiet in the far corner of the showroom. But I had the first appointment of the day and the waiting room, with it's nicer padded chairs and water dispenser was empty, and so I sat down and started reading. Ten minutes later an older man walked in and walked right over to the television remote sitting on a chair further down the row of chairs. I instantly regretted not having hidden it somewhere which I may or may not have done in the past in similar situations. He proceeded to spend the next 15 minutes scrolling from channel to channel trying to find something to watch. He finally selected something and sat there for maybe 5 minutes watching it (sounded like CNN) before getting up and leaving. I waited a couple minutes and was planning on grabbing the remote and turning the television off but when I looked around, I saw him watching the television from the other side of the glass wall dividing the waiting room from the dealership floor, and eating popcorn. He eventually comes back in, turns the television volume up a few notches (it was already too loud as far as I was concerned) and proceeds to look at things on his smart phone the rest of the time I was there. 

Occasionally, I will go out to eat a quiet lunch somewhere. I try to go at off peak hours when there isn't a lot of people. I do this so I can read in peace while enjoying my meal. It never fails that someone will come in soon after me, take the seat right next to me in a restaurant full of empty tables, and begin loudly talking with their companion about topics that neither are obviously interested in but it is better than being alone with their thoughts. 

Finally, I often do errands towards mid afternoon so that I can combine a trip into town doing them with picking up my youngest daughter from her school. I leave plenty of time for the errands so I don't have to return to town to complete them on another day and of course, I always have a book if I end up with plenty of time left. So I will pull into the parking lot, turn off the car and read for the next 45 minutes or so instead of going home, do something for 15 minutes and driving back into town. Without fail, someone will pull right next to me a couple minutes later and spend the next 45 minutes doing one of two things. They will either sit their in their idling car playing with their phone while the air conditioning system cycles loudly despite the temperature being a pleasant 71 degrees burning untold gallons of fuel, or they will roll down their windows and blare loud music for the entire time. Because I'm too distracted to read, I'm left calculating the untold billions of gallons of fuel wasted every week by parents sitting for hours to pick up their kids from school. 

I often find myself contemplating Henry Bemis, a character on one of my favorite episodes of "The Twilight Zone, in this case episode "Time Enough At Last". Henry can never get enough time to read but eventually finds himself the only person alive and is in book nirvana, at least until the TZ twist kicks in and he breaks his only pair of reading glasses. That is why I hope to be like Bemis but always keep a spare pair of glasses around.


  1. The other guy left the waiting room so time to turn off the TV, you're not watching it and watching it from outside the waiting bueno. If he wants to watch he can come back INTO the waiting room.

    1. People like him are just trained to require noise. He wasn't interested in the television. He just couldn't be in a silent room.

  2. Oh my goodness, I do feel your pain! I cannot concentrate on reading if the television is on. Both Cliff and I have the Libby app on our phones, and always have a book on there that we're reading. At home we use the ipads, but when we use the app on the phone, it opens up right where we left it at home on the ipad. Cliff hates grocery shopping, so he always reads while I shop. Before I started liking football I would read while Cliff watched the game. The noise of the TV bothered me, so I found out if I played classical music into my ears, I could barely hear the football game and could focus on my book. I'm not a fan of classical music, but it sure made it easy for me to concentrate on my book.

    1. Fortunately, there are enough rooms in the house that I can generally find one without noise. I find the 24 hour news channels are the worst for concentrating because they are talking. Channels with movies or sitcoms do bother me but not as much. Like Cliff, I have spent a fair share of time sitting in the car reading while my wife shops.

  3. That's a cute post and a cuter conclusion. Well played.

  4. I've always been one to have a book handy wherever I go. I also play Words With Friends (like Scrabble) on my phone with my brother, so I do that, too, when waiting places. I had a recent trip to the car dealership for a repair and had almost the same exact experience (but I think it was FOX). Added to it, though, was some guy having a loud conversation on his phone. I heard far more than I cared to hear.

    That's a classic Twilight Zone episode!!

    1. Yes, loud conversations on phones are a regular occurrence too!

  5. I don't remember that TZ episode, but how ironic. I too try to read everywhere I go, but on a Kindle and often bring headphones which block out some of the noise. (not all) My car dealership has a quiet room and not quiet room but they're side by side; the TV is on in the other room so it accomplishes little to nothing.

    1. I think the old episodes can be streamed through Netflix. Every now and then, I'll go and watch a few episodes.

  6. Grab the remote and put on the closed captioning and turn the volume off! TV noise does not bother me...I can read in just about any noisy situation! I even learned how to read on a have to hold the book in a free hand and let it sway back and forth with the train:)

    1. That is a talent that I have never been able to master.

  7. Where ever you go these days stuff is too loud.

    1. I actually bought a pair of ear plugs that I wore during the last concert I went too! I was much much happier afterwards.

  8. Ed, I will most often find the most isolated location - even if outside - to get away from people to read. The ubiquitous television in the background of every location is annoying.

    1. I do too but it is becoming harder and harder to find that isolation.

  9. Ah, Twilight Zone. It terrified me when I was little, especially the episode with a Clockman who preyed on people. The terror of that show lasted for years and was done without all the slick computer effects of today. At least books don't scare me but I am on my computer more than anything and thus don't pick up a book to read. I do have one in my car that my mentor friend gave me because it was one of her favorites - The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. I read it when I have to wait in the dentist's reception room or if I have to wait for someone in the car. A very sad and sick story of a terribly exciting dysfuntional family. Otherwise, my "reading" is on my CD player with audio books from the library as I do my crafts that don't require figuring out or measuring.

    1. I have read The Glass Castle! Although I'm afraid to look, there has been a modern remake of Twilight Zone. I guess I was never scared from it's episodes but rather enjoyed the "what if" thinking it always produced in me.

  10. I'm like Margaret. I read books on my Kindle and always bring it on trips. I also have noise cancelling airpods which help. I always watched Twilight Zone, but missed that episode or perhaps have just forgotten it.

    1. It was one of the earlier episodes so it was a long time ago.

  11. Would you believe I was about to mention that episode to Art after telling him how you like to read but kept getting bothered and he immediately brought up that Twilight Zone episode? Good grief!

    1. It really stuck with me and evidently is did so with Art too.

  12. I can definitely identify with this! Hell is other people, as someone famous once said. I remember that "Twilight Zone" episode!


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