Picture Intensive Garden Update

We planted some strawberries for the first time this year and planted them through landscaping fabric to control the weeds somewhat as an experiment. After weeks of looking kind of puny, they have started perking up at last. I normally mow the weeds on the right side of the picture but when I took this, it had just rained on us while we were weeding our squash patch so everything was wet. Our potatoes are doing great this year. The kids really enjoyed them last year so we had to plant a couple rows again this year. Our big experiment this year was planting dry shelled beans of various kinds and many of them were climbing beans and have proven to be just that. Others haven't shown much of an inclination to climb despite what the package said. I need to make note to save us the work of installing the fence panels next year if we decide to grow more. The rest of the dry shell beans are looking good. I sense a lot of work later this fall in picking all those beans. We planted several ...