
 I neglected to mention this, but I’m actually sitting on a deck overlooking a body of water that I can’t see the other side right now. This means I have to peck type with one finger for the next five days so my apologies if I don’t stop by or leave a comment on all your blog posts. I’ll read them all when I get back home and I’m sure write a story or two about where I am at.


  1. Get thyself a keypad for that tablet. I wouldn't want to be without it.

  2. Enjoy! Well, except for the smoke of course.

  3. Enjoy your time away! I look forward to you filling us in on where you are. (maybe one of the Great Lakes?)

  4. Well, THAT's an intriguing mystery!

  5. You deserve a vacation, enjoy!

  6. I'll be interested to hear about the vacation! I love large bodies of water; there are many around me. :) Have a great time.


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