Fledging Day Arrived!


Checking to make sure the coast is clear.

Saturday morning I arose and did my morning routine. As part of that routine, I checked on the bluebird house from the dining room window and didn't see any activity. I kept watching for probably around 20 minutes and saw not a sign. Thinking they had already fledged, I put on my shoes and went outside to check but saw that the three chicks were still inside. Indeed, they had all been standing up but laid right down when my face showed itself. I knew fledging was probably imminent so I went inside and sure enough, it soon got started and I was fortunate to capture some of it on "film" using my DSL camera with zoom lens through a dirty window. Enjoy the show.

One of the parents saying, "You can do it!"

"Do what mom? Wow, there is a lot of room out here."

Chick 1 successfully launched out and landed in the grass near the house without me catching the shot.

Parents back saying, "Chick 1 did it. You're next!"

"Come on and get a move on!"

"See, just like what we are doing!"

Chick 2 says, "Whee!"

Mama making sure Chick 2 stuck the landing.

Checking out the new bigger world.

"Come on Chick 3, we're waiting on you."

Chick 3 says, "It's a long way up here."


Chick 3 safely landed in the lawn.

Chicks 1 and 2 took to the air soon after their first flight. Chick 3, perhaps the last one to hatch, hopped around in the grass for a long time with his parents regularly checking on him. Eventually I didn't see him anymore and went out to look and couldn't find him but his parents were nearby in trees scolding me so I left the search and went back inside. As I write this, they are all down in the tree line at the base of our property and the parents are flying around nearby and making trips into the trees. It certainly was neat to see this all happen from the comfort of my dining room chair.


  1. Great to see! Those chicks look so small and vulnerable out there in the big world, but after all, this is a step they must take!

    1. They were really small and I wasn't sure that fully came across since I was zoomed way in on them. I was also taken aback with the coloring difference. I think the first one was male and the other two females.

  2. Wow! This is fascinating and entertaining, and for me confirms the existence of a Creator who instilled in these creatures these instincts. What a treat for you to get to witness this! Thanks for sharing!

    1. It was really neat to witness and I'm glad they waited around for me. I spend maybe a half hour a day near that window and I picked the right half hour.

  3. Super cool and wonderful! You did a great job in capturing for us the wonders of Nature. Mahalo!

  4. I'm glad that you caught the action. It goes quickly when it does go.

    1. I was surprised at how quickly it went. As I said, the first one came out so quickly that I didn't even snap a picture until after he was already on the ground.

  5. Good luck to the fledglings and kudos to you for giving them their first home - watertight and safe.

    1. I'm sure they will remember that "starter" home for the rest of their life! Perhaps one of them will come back next year and raise their brood in it.

  6. What a fantastic post, Ed!! Your photos (and narrative!) have been an excellent ending to my day!

    1. I couldn't resist adding the narrative.

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, definitely better than getting eaten by a raccoon which is what happened to the last two broods raised in that bird house.

  8. This is a wonderful and heartwarming capture--and well described too!

  9. Thanks for this update, Ed. I loved hearing all about it and you captured some fantastic shots.

  10. when I saw the title, I thought maybe you were taking y our daughter to college :)... It is fun to watch birds fledge. I waited in anticipation for them to leave the electrical box on the side of our addition so I could clean out their nest and install a security light! But I didn't get photos.

    1. Well, my daughter's fledging day is coming in a matter of a few weeks.


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