

July 11

For various reasons, there is not a lot going on in my life, at least that I can blog about. I have resigned my schoolboard position after nine years which is my limit of three year terms. But that was quickly replaced by joining two more boards, one of which will probably require a fair amount of my time. 

The garden is fairly slow right now. I'm still picking yellow squash and giving it away or eating it, but that is about it. Fairly soon I will need to harvest the potatoes and hopefully start getting some tomatoes. Everything else is just growing away in the heat and sun and still a fair amount of time away from producing.

The bluebirds, are soon going to be fledging judging from their feathers and activity. The last time I opened the door to take a picture, they all immediately laid down and tucked their heads. I watched them a bit yesterday, the earliest time of fledging and didn't see a lot of activity other than from the parents making quick stops to drop off a morsel of food. I have my DSL camera ready to go on the dining room table should I happen to spy some fledging activity but in reality, my chances of catching that are probably slim to none.

Probably the highlight of my days is catching the stage ending of the Tour de France everyday. I used to bicycle a lot as a kid and came of age during the days of Greg LeMond, still the only American to have won (officially) the Tour, and so it still interests me to see how things play out. This year the battle is between a Dane who has won the last two years and a Slovenian who won the two years before that. Thus far, a little half way through the race, the Slovenian seems to have the upper hand, perhaps because the Dane was involved in a horrible bicycle wreck earlier this year. 

July 11


  1. I was watching tennis and soccer. I would love to still be able to cycle. I've been out, very briefly, twice this year, but I have done something to my leg. Sigh.

    I hate meetings, but they are the stuff of life for some.

    1. I don't necessarily enjoy the meetings but I do enjoy giving back to my community which means I must suffer through a few meetings.

  2. Definitely the sports doldrums. Basketball and hockey are over. Football has yet to begin. Though I have been watching your state-mate(?) some in the WNBA. Will be excited to watch some Olympics in the the coming weeks.

    I had a friend who loved Greg Lemond. He (my friend) was pretty much an idiot in everything else, but was always suspicious of Lance and thought he was too cocky. Oh, and he did introduce me to Duran Duran, so... there's that.

    1. Unfortunately I don't watch any of those sports... well except for the Olympics every two years.

      Also unfortunately, I bought into Lance and believed the little liar. I was so disappointed when he finally admitted the truth. I recently watch a documentary on him, with him speaking about everything and the arrogance is overwhelming.

  3. Look at those birds, trying to hide! I hope you catch them (with your camera) leaving the nest. Summer is a slower time. I'm going to be settling into those "doldrums" for the next few weeks.

    1. You will be in for a treat, because I did catch two of the three flying from the nest for the first time along with an assortment of parent involvement shots. I will get them in a post for Wednesday.

  4. I was in a small state of doldrums last week and feeling like I need to get out and do something. I bought tickets to a local live jazz place and we went last Friday. It was a great night and put an end to the doldrums for a bit!

    1. I need to investigate something similar.

  5. Maybe you will see the fledging! I remember fondly my aunt (next door) rushing me to see the birds fledge from an outbuilding of hers. I'm not sure what they were... maybe swallows or wrens?

    We've reached the point in summer where I'm not sure how many more tomatoes we'll get. They quit blooming when the nights stay too warm (hot).

    1. Spoiler, but I did witness the fledging. Stay tuned for my Wednesday post.

  6. Summer is like that, doldrums. Is that where "the dog days of summer" came from? I do like focusing on the small things though and the fledging sounds imminent.

    1. Today is the hottest day we've had all year so far. I was out at five this morning picking some green beans and it was plenty warm.

  7. The very best veggies are those that come right off the plant or out of the soil.

  8. I love doldrums - nothing on the calendar and I can do what I please.

  9. I think I have the doldrums too, not much happening here. Mowing lawn today:)

  10. I should write about the birds who built in an electrical box (I was waiting for a flood light). I then had to wait till they fledged so I could clean out their nest and install the light). It's the doldrums, partly because of the heat.

    1. Yes taking regular pictures can fill up many blog posts!

  11. You seem a little downhearted just now Ed. I guess we all go through these phases. Life has its downs as well as its ups. Great pictures of the baby bluebirds.

    1. Not so much downhearted but anxious to get back going on another direction.


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