50% More Tomatoes

As you can see, our garden is still very dry and required the hauling of many buckets of water to keep all the tomato/cabbage/kohlrabi/pepper plants alive until next week when we can get down next. As you can probably see by the water darkened spots, we have amassed quite a collection of them. A friend of ours who plants a big garden for charitable causes ended up with way to many tomato and pepper plants and asked if we could use some. Why yes we could, especially since they were twice the size of the ones growing in our garden currently. So we planted them. I don't know how many tomato plants are now growing out there but I'm guessing it is somewhere in the order of 40 or 50 plants. Way more than we will ever need if they all grow to maturity. But why not since we have the space and perhaps we can give them away to someone in need. Our peas aren't doing too well in the dry soil and we will be lucky to harvest much from them. The radishes in the center row are doing qui...