The Life Before the Death of Joseph Chicken Sr.

Every now and then when doing genealogy research, I strike gold so to speak. I come across a bit of information that leaves my mind blown away and makes me realizes how much I still have to learn. Sometimes it is good like a picture or the name of an unknown ancestor and sometimes it is details about an ancestor previously unknown to me. This time it falls into the latter category. As you recall, I ended the last post with the above clipping from a newspaper. When I hit the publish button, I thought it was probably then end of my research on Joseph. But over a night's sleep, I decided to dig a little deeper. The above article was one of about a half dozen exact boilerplate versions printed in regional newspapers but not from the one closest to where he lived where many of the other articles I shared came from. It seemed odd that the local one didn't publish one. I hoped it was just the search function didn't capture his name and than manually scanning the newspaper might y...