The Mystery Child

Charles City Intelligencer - 3 Aug 1876 This article written just weeks after the 100th birthday of the United States has really thrown me for a loop. It states that a baby boy was born on July 28th. The problem is that I don't have a child born at that time. At the family plot, there is a central marker, three larger stones for John Kuck and his first two wives on either side of him, next to five smaller stones for each of the five children that died of diphtheria, a total of eight markers altogether. The two that survived are buried in nearby Rockford and out in The Dalles, Oregon which I saw for my own eyes last fall. You can see them all below. At some point after I first visited the graves, I noticed something about the stone obelisk marker. It had nine etchings memorializing the dead. One was for an infant whom I hadn't known about. You can see that side of the marker below. It was in pretty rough shape the first time I visited but I thought it said Infant Daughter born...