What the?


In reality, this is a small picture measuring maybe 2 inches tall by three inches wide. But when I first saw it, all I could think was how strange all those "roll bars" on the front of the car looked. But upon scanning it at a resolution that allowed me to significantly enlarge it, I see now they are just ribbons adorning a car probably heading or back from a parade in town. The ribbons and the poster are touting the Ladies Auxillary. 


  1. What a great old photo! Those ribbons DO look like bars at first glance. I have a couple of those tiny photo prints too -- I'm impressed you could get this one to scan so well that you could blow it up.

    1. My old scanner does quite good though I adjusted the manual settings quite a bit to increase the resolution as much as possible. It can also scan slides so I suppose scanning small photographs isn't much of a challenge for it's capabilities.

  2. How bizarre!! I had exactly the same thought as you did when I first saw it.

    1. Perhaps if it wasn't a black and white photograph, it would be more obvious.

  3. They still look like bars to me! I had to enlarge it a lot to see that they were ribbons. I think it's because they're tubular.

    1. I think being black and white and the color of shiny metal poles and stretched straight doesn't help either.

  4. Yep, I thought the same thing. But what a nice car!

    1. They just don't make them like that anymore!

  5. That photo definitely requires a couple of double takes!

  6. Yup. Me too. I was thinking what an odd looking car.

  7. Replies
    1. I wonder if they would have looked like pipes had we seen it in color.

  8. Cars in the old days had so much style. After the late 60's, it went downhill, imo.


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