The Great Bean Reduction


We made a mid-week trip down to our garden to harvest some flowers, odds and ends and start on some of the dry shell beans. Unfortunately, our entire family caught Covid for the second time this pandemic. Fortunately, we only had mild cold like symptoms so it seemed like a good time to isolate in our garden. As you can see, we had quite a few dry shell beans that we picked which ended up being about three rows out of I think somewhere around 10 that we planted.

Back home in our isolation, we were real party animals and shelled those beans over the next several days. Planting had been a little fast and hectic and so we didn't know exactly what we were picking and indeed, one row on the end had been planted half and half which made for fun sorting as you were going along.

After a couple days of further drying in the sun on every cookie sheet we had available on our back deck, I deemed them dry enough to store in glass jars. Because at the moment I have a plethora of pint glass jars and a custom made pint canning jar rack down in our basement, that is where we chose to put them. Out of all those dry shell beans, I filled up 13 pints or just over 2 gallons of dry beans. Later when I go to actually can them so they are cooked and ready to go, something I only do as needed, each pint will probably make three or four pints of beans ready to heat and serve.

We have five pints of Bird Egg beans.

Seven pints of Tiger Eye beans.

One pint of Appaloosa beans.

And Calypso five beans that somehow got into our bucket from another row. I'm guessing the pod was laying on the ground in the middle of a row, was found and picked up. They are sure pretty beans and I can't wait to see a jar full of them when we pick more rows in the upcoming weeks.

As you read this, we are all cured of Covid and back to normal again. I'm glad to now be immune for the time being and can't wait for the just approved new vaccine to cover the BA4 and BA5 variants to be stocked locally. But if we do get it a third time, I'll have plenty of beans to eat during our isolation.


  1. Bummer about having Covid again. Glad you're all doing well. I am amazed none of us have it and I checked myself again yesterday as I was going to visit people in a Continuing Care Facility.

    I have never grown dried beans, but I have local sources where I can buy them by bulk fairly cheap and we probably have 2-3 gallons (of a variety of types) in the pantry at any one time.

    1. It is definitely cheaper buying them in bulk though around here, you can only get about two or three different kinds, all very common. But we were looking to experiment and I really don't mind the labor involved in shelling the beans. It gives my hands something to do other than fidget with my cellphone.

  2. I'm glad you're over Covid. What a drag! The beans are beautiful -- I love those tiger eyes especially. They could be jewelry.

    1. We bought all the varieties based upon their looks. I hope to do some sort of taste test when we are done with harvest to narrow down any future plantings we do.

  3. Good for you for making good use of your Covid down time. My wife and I had it, too, and had similar symptoms -- just a cold really -- but we did not make similar good use of our time.

    1. That sounds like a better plan than picking beans!

  4. I'm sorry to hear you went through another round of Covid! Don't they recommend you wait about three months to get that new booster since you just had it? I got a second booster in July, so may wait until the end of the year. Still gotta get that flu shot, though...

    Don't you love all the names for beans?!

    1. From what I understand, we are ineligible for the newest booster until the first of the year after 90 days. But that really isn't a hardship since we should hopefully be fully immune that long too. I never got the second booster and was waiting for the just released newest vaccine but just like the initial time I got Covid right before become eligible before the first vaccine, I fell just short. My timing isn't quite right!

      I like the names of the beans too but have been having a hard time keeping them straight. My wife finally took a bean from each variety and taped it to a notecard with the correct name for reference.

  5. Nice looking beans. Covid fun. We have yet to get it...knock on wood.

    1. Good for you! May your covid free streak continue!

  6. I’d love to hear about all the varieties you grow and what you make with them. I wasn’t brought up eating and growing anything but green beans. This is very fascinating.

    1. I was brought up the same way though we occasionally had baked beans with cornbread. But as I have matured over the years, I have grown to like beans in a variety of dishes.

  7. Glad that everyone is better. I got the 4th shot in late April, so I'm going to wait until nearer the holidays for this shot. Those beans are PRETTY! They would make a beautiful chili. As the evenings get cooler (high 40s lately) I start craving chili. And cornbread!

    1. Chili is definitely on the future menu as is plain old bean soup. My wife may try blending some up for some dips and spreads.

  8. Those colorful varieties of beans should keep covid away! Linda in Kansas

    1. After consumption, it may keep people away too!

  9. You’ve certainly ‘bean’ busy during your confinement. Unless a new and true preventative vaccine is ever developed, it seems that C will always be with us. Hopefully, further variants won’t become more virulent.

    1. According to my spouse, since it is a virus, there really isn't much hope with any known technology, that it will ever get any better. The hope is to get it to be like a flu shot once a year.

  10. Such a great and interesting bean harvest! The only beans that I grow successfully are soy beans - which I boil in their pods in slightly salted water and enjoy.

    1. We eat quite a bit of tofu so I, and by I, I mean my wife, should try making some from the soybean crop 10 feet from our garden.

  11. Nice haul of beans and good to hear everyone is fully recovered from COVID, Ed.

    1. It is nice to be recovered and temporarily immune!

    2. Glad that you've all recovered from covid. You used your quarantine very productively. Your beans are pretty.

    3. They look even better sitting on our pantry shelves!

  12. It really feels like so many people are still catching COVID. It's making me very nervous. We're thinking of taking mom to get her COVID and flu shot next month. Didn't want to get them too soon so she'd have maximum protection for Thanksgiving and New Year family gathering.


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