Torsion Top

Above you can see what the inside of a torsion top assembly table looks like. It is essentially a honeycomb of wood that makes the table somewhat "lightweight" compared to being of solid wood and not prone to warping so it remains extremely flat. I will put another sheet of plywood on top of this that will be my actual work surface and give it a more finished look. On the underside between each leg will be some cabinets that will help stiffen things up even more and provide lots of needed storage. That part will probably wait though for a bit while I get started on another project. The only drawback to this whole build has been the weather. When it gets to be 70 to 80% humidity outside as it has been the last three days, glue cures VERY SLOWLY. So creating the honeycomb took me three days instead of the one I had been planning on. After the glue dries, I will do a little sanding to flatten everything nicely and then apply the top skin with nothing but glue and some small brad...