Day Five

Another spectacular night here at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I know I have written that several times already in my journals but I haven't lied yet. I woke up once during the night because the clouds of yesterday evening had cleared off and the moon felt like a spotlight shining down on me. I would have been annoyed but the stars were just so beautifully bright unlike any that I have seen before. It was only with willpower that I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

In the gray of false dawn, I packed up and went down to the kitchen area where Mary was beginning to heat up some water. A loud shriek startled me and seemed very loud down in the close confines of the canyon. A mouse had found its way into one of the kitchen buckets last night and drowned. I helped out by sending the mouse to his final resting place in the river gently floating downstream. For breakfast we had eggs with a chili sauce and bacon.

As breakfast was winding down, Bronco cornered me away from the group and gave me the information I had wanted to know since yesterday evening. Lee, Nick, Duffy and him have been wanting to hike up to a high mesa and would like me to come along but couldn't allow me without opening it up to the older and less physically able clients. It was going to be a fast and hard hike to do it within the time they had and asked that I not push the issue. I understood and agreed. As a concession, he allowed Jorge and I to hike up to Nankoweap Butte, which was a high point on the map closer than the mesa. Disappointed but understanding, I asked permission to start early and promised to meet the rest of the group at a fault line that we would be using to climb up to the Butte.

View from Nankoweap Butte Back Towards the Saddle

It was a nice hike but a lot of boulder scrambling to reach the fault line and my bum knee was already starting to give me grief. I wasn't sure that I would be able to make the climb after all but decided that I would do the best I could. I took some Advil and lay under the shade of a lone shrub like tree to wait for the others to arrive. The others did show up about an hour later and turned out to be Jorge, his father Jurgen and crewmember Elaina.

After a few minutes of rest, we all set up for the saddle above. It was a real scramble in places with little solid footing and lots of a tightly woven bush like weed that made you force your way through. We did stop and see some rocks that were over one billion years old and twice as old as any seen from the river. By the time we got to the saddle, the sunshine had disappeared and Jurgen needed a breather. Elaina stayed behind to keep him company and Jorge and I set up for the top of peak of the butte. One of those pin prick dark spots on top of the saddle in the lower left corner of the above photo is the shade of a house sized boulder where Jurgen and Elaina waited for Jorge and I.

The last half-mile and 400 vertical feet to Nankoweap Butte elevation 5430 feet, was brutal. (Camp was at approximately 2800 feet.) In the loose pebble sized stones, it was like the stair climber from hell. You would take one step forward and put your weight on that foot only to slide three-fourths of the step back. Several times I had to stop to suck air or risk breaking ribs from gasping so much. But finally we made the top.

Jorge At the Summit

The wind immediately started picking up and big fat raindrops began to hit us as we hurriedly snapped some photos of each other and the surrounding area. Lightening off in the distance made us realize that we needed to get back down in a hurry. A slow controlled descent was not an option so throwing our fates to the winds, we literally jumped off the peak into the loose pebble sized stones. When we hit, we would slide twenty or thirty feet as if on skis before we would come to a halt with a shower of stones continuing on down the mountain. Before we would come to that halt, we would jump again landing further down the slope on a different foot skiing through the rocks. What took 45 minutes to climb took us all of about a minute to descend but left both of us high on adrenaline.

We hunkered down in the rain underneath a large rock on the saddle and ate our sack lunch. (Sadly no mention in my journal of what that lunch consisted.) The hike back down the fault line was as always harder on the joints than the ascent. My knee was really starting to scream even with another dose of Advil and I knew I would pay for it later. We met crew members Lee, Nick and Duffy on the way back down and learned that they had gotten lost and hadn't made the mesa. They were more than a little envious to learn that Jorge and I had made the top of Nankoweap Butte. We talked with them for a few minutes and then continued on our way down.

When we reached the creek below the beginning of the fault line, we parted ways. Jorge headed upstream to do some photography, Elaina stopped to do some drawing so I set off downstream to find a nice soaking hole. My knee was swollen and throbbing and screamed with delight as I lowered myself into the ice-cold water. The failed mesa crew passed by and I stayed on until I felt I would endanger myself to hypothermia by staying longer. I got my shoes back on and hiked back into camp, limping but happy.

Very Distant View of Camp

Because of the few sprinkles, some fellow clients had taken upon themselves to set up my tent and throw my two waterproof bags and waterproof ammo can inside so that they wouldn't get wet. They were just being nice but now I have to wait for my tent to dry so I can pack it up again because I don't plan on sleeping inside tonight when I have a mosquito free bed of fine sand and starlight outside. I took a bath down by the river and put on my first set of truly clean clothes for the trip!

We had a lecture on the geology of the Grand Canyon before supper of lasagna, French bread and a green salad. I joined Jurgen down on the beach for a while sipping some of his cognac and staying upwind of his huge fat cigar that he was smoking. From his broken English, I can tell he had done quite well for himself at whatever occupation he did and was now for the most part retired. He and his son Jorge, probably 40 years in age himself, now just travel the world doing things like this. This is their second trip down the Grand Canyon. They are one of those that had just done the first third long segment the first time and realized that it was a terrible mistake to not have done the rest.

I could tell after awhile that Jurgen wanted to be alone and since I know that feeling, I bid him good night and joined the others up by the fire. We sat around talking until it was just I and my journal left. Tomorrow it is back on the river and hopefully a light day of hiking to give my knee a chance to recover. Of course if there is a big hike planned, I know I will just take more Advil and hike anyway. I figure there will be time enough to heal when the trip is done.

Anasazi Ruins Found On Way Back to Camp


  1. Ed, you were braver than I. Two of my biggest fears are loose surfaces and unsteady heights, and I had to confront both of them on our trip - and not in nearly as spectacular a fashion as you. I got up the Papago slide, which was all the excitement I could handle (and possibly the worst part of the trip for me) and that was maybe a scramble of 100 yards.

    1. I am pretty wary too and I made it sound much more dramatic than it probably was in my journal writing. I always calculate the worst outcome and in this case had I fallen or lost my footing, I might have slid for a long ways and due to wearing shorts, lost a fair amount of skin, but I wouldn't have died. The scree was pretty fine rocks and when we got down lower to where the big rocks were, we prudently came to a stop and walked to the side of the small scree where we had sure footing.

  2. Wow! Anasazi ruins at the bottom of the canyon. That's amazing. I will probably never get to journey down The Grand Canyon as you did but you tell the story so well that I can experience it in my imagination. How is your troublesome knee these days Ed?

    1. After I quit work which involved long hours of standing on a concrete floor, it has gotten a lot better. In my late teens, I somehow tore the cartilage in it and then again in my early 20's. Both times the solution back then, and perhaps still is, was to go in and cut away the torn edges and thus reducing the amount of cartilage and thus shock absorption capabilities in that knee. So by avoiding standing still on hard surfaces and just knowing my limits, it rarely hurts these days.

  3. Body parts can begin to break down at a relatively young age. I developed bone spurs (heels) before I was 30 although they weren’t too bad until my 40s.

    1. Although they can, mine was due to an old injury. See my comments above to Yorkshire Pudding. But to your point, had I gone on the trip now, I'm not sure I would have made it up to the peak and I certainly wouldn't have been so spry as to try skiing down the scree field!

  4. Wow, I don't like heights so I'm amazed by your climb and the way you all got down. :) Such beautiful sights and memories. Lasagna! I still can't believe all the great food you're eating on this trip.

    1. 20 years later, I still remember how good the food was on the trip!

  5. A part of me thinks it's not right that the "staff" took hikes that not everyone else could join in. After all, there might be several like yourself that would have been able to handle it. Maybe better to save that for trips when they aren't leading groups with less fit folks?

    1. Although I respect and understand your feelings on this issue, I would like to defend their decision. First, when we were allowed to hike beyond camp, for safety reasons we had to tell the captain where we were going and how long we would be gone. Otherwise, we were confined to organized hikes where there were typically three different options from easy to hardest. All were supported by the staff and everyone was welcomed to join any option. Many times during the trip, overly ambitious clients got in over their heads on the most difficult hikes and then some of the crew would have to part company and escort them back to camp or an easier hike. So it wasn't an all or nothing option. On this particular day, the easy hike was simply hiking a ways from camp to the pools where I soaked my knee in on my way back from the hardest hike.

      Second, I was the only client who knew about this hike which wasn't publicized and none of the other clients ever knew about except for the two Germans that went with me on the hardest hike (and the oldest wasn't physically able to complete as mentioned above.) I only knew because of my tendency to stay up late when all the other clients were in bed and the crew spent a few minutes reviewing the next day's game plan. The two Germans only found out on the way back from the hardest hike when we ran into the staff resting from their failed attempt. Even then, they never said their intentions other than it was a spur of the moment hike and they didn't get as far as they would have liked.

      Finally, I know first hand that it was extremely hard on the staff being stuck with a bunch of people, most of whom didn't share any of their value system and were extremely needy in about every aspect of getting through this vacation, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for over three weeks... and to do it while never losing a smile or causing a client to malign the company. Part of how they accomplished this was to allow portions of the crew to wander off alone and get away from the clients in shifts. This put me in a dilemma many times as I would run into the staff sometimes during their outings and have to figure out if they were being polite or truly welcomed me into their off time. They always assured me that I was welcome anytime due to my values which were like theirs and because I helped them in camp instead of always asking for them to do things for me. Still, I didn't push my luck and politely still usually left early to give them some personal time.

      Also, it hasn't been posted yet but I was allowed to push the limits of this boundary later in the trip when it mattered more to me than just obtaining the top of a distant mesa. Stay tuned for that story.

  6. Okay, that first picture made my stomach lurch. I thought you were taking a picture downward off a cliff. Once my brain processed what I was actually seeing, it was much better.

    I love the line 'plenty of time to heal when the trip is over'.

    1. I have a healthy fear of exposure to great heights and don’t recall this causing me any concern so it must just be an optical illusion. But it was plenty steep, hence the stair climber from hell and the ability to ski it with just hiking boots on the way down.

  7. Such great and rugged country you got to explore! I envy this trip.

    1. Since I am always envious of your trips, this goes a little way towards evening up the score.

  8. What fun to see the Anasazi ruin. The colors are gorgeous!


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