A Garden Update Involving the A-word!


Sorry Debby!

Recently we headed down for what was supposed to be the first big planting at our farm garden but there had been a lot more rain down there recently and it was a muddy mess. I won't mention the cold 40 mph wind that was blowing either. My kids plants some more carrots in their garden and my wife planted some pea starts from our greenhouse. I worked on the tiller and repairing our deer net fence on the west side which had blown down yet again. This time I drove in several steel posts to support the plastic ones it comes with and I think it should hold up just fine now. I also harvested the first handful of our asparagus. There were dozens of shoots just poking up out of the ground so there should be quite a bit here shortly.

Our three pear trees we planted late last summer look great and are blooming. The other three, two plumcots and one sour cherry, that we planted last spring are all dead as doornails. We still need to get them replaced as they had a warranty on them.

Hard to see but the peas we planted two weeks ago are starting to come up. 

In the remains of our wedding day orchard is an old snag of a peach tree that I keep telling myself won't be alive next year. It keeps blooming and even the birds have faith in it living a bit longer judging from the nest built in it.

The nest was over my head by quite a bit so with smart phone technology, I held my phone up on my tippy toes and was able to get photographic proof that there were no eggs quite yet. Due to a hard freeze arriving tonight, I expect the birds are waiting for warmer weather.

The remaining apple tree in our wedding day orchard keeps living beyond expectations as well. Hopefully the hard freeze doesn't kill the apples for this year.

The best looking of the two berry plants that survived. One apparently bit the dust over winter. We really hope to expand this a bit more this year.

After two dismal years of morel mushroom hunting, I am hoping (as I always do) that this year is THE YEAR. So we set out to search for the illusive fungi and they remained illusive. There is moisture to pop them but I think the soil temperature is just a bit too cold yet. We are supposed to get warmer weather this week so perhaps that will be enough to pop them out. I did find the above mushrooms which I'm pretty sure I posted about this time last year in a fruitless search for morel mushrooms. They feel like rock at this point.

Finally, as I always seem to do while hunting morels, I came across yet another grisly murder site in the woods. I actually found two but didn't take a picture of the other one since very few bones remained. This one was mostly intact and are the remains of a raccoon, I think anyway. I need to bone up, pun intended, on my osteology skills. 


  1. So you have crappy weather coming too. 😟

    No wonder I didn't know about embedded comments since I have never checked that box. 😎

  2. Gardening and raising food: one of the activities that, although so often results elude us, we continue to return in hope year after year.

  3. *softly chants: 'I will not be envious of Ed's asparagus, I will not be envious of Ed's asparagus'*

    Spoiler alert: chanting does not help.

  4. Anvilcloud - But I have which is what led to the difficulty of others posting on my blog.

    TB - It is like winning big at gambling. You don't remember all the times you've lost after you won big once.

  5. There's a section of pasture I walk through most mornings that's filled with cow bones. That's better than all the deer bones that our dogs drag into the yard (and carport), though.

    1. I like looking at bones for some reason, perhaps a sign of another calling.

  6. Ed, I missed your prairie pics! (Well, that's what I liked to call them.). And you are not alone in your fascination of bones. 😉

    1. I’ll make a note to make sure you can see prairie in the background!

  7. Bone up--LOL. That's a great pun! Debby will be jealous about that asparagus. Our weather has been up and down lately--70 degrees to 50 with some cool nights. (high 30s) I'm not planting any annuals yet.

    1. It was 26 this morning and predicted for 29 tonight. Then after that, low 40’s for the foreseeable future.

  8. Replies
    1. I wish I could just build a new home as easily as a bird.


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