Game Changer

Not often am I blown away when a genealogist on YouTube puts out a video showing me the latest and greatest way to find new records on ancestors. For the most part, it is just rehashing what I have already known about and tried. But recently, I watched a video about a new search function on called "Full-Text Search". As of writing this, it is still a feature in their "Experimental Labs" section of their site but one I think anyone can navigate to it and try it out. Essentially, it is using some sort of A.I. software to read and translate script written documents that are scanned but not yet translated or indexed in any way. It sounded promising so I went downstairs to try it out. I have a lot of fairly undocumented families that I would like to search for more documents on but I chose to do my first search on my Chicken family since their surname is fairly unique. I typed in the name of Joseph Chicken since the two most researched people on that b...