Getting There

Yesterday I put up the wall that will divide the halves of the building but needed to devote my attention to getting new brakes and rotors on my vehicle. Although I suppose I probably could do that myself, it is one of those things I am comfortable paying someone else to do with the right tools and where they can put it up on a lift to work on things easier... at least until I saw the bill. Getting brakes was a lot more expensive than I remembered but then, I have sold three different vehicles between then and now and so it has been a long time since the last brake job I paid for. Today was a grunt, pure and simple. Because the greenhouse side will have lots of windows, I opted to put in some headers to carry the load of the roof structure and not transfer said load to the windows where it can cause problems. On the first side, I decided to leave the header out to save weight when I swung the wall into place and then put it in place afterwards. That turned out to be a big mi...